If you have not registered your organization you can do so by visiting: https://website-scansource-charity-registration.azurewebsites.net/SignIn/.. If your organization has already registered scroll down to the Add Users section. 

Register an Organization

Click Register an organization. 

Complete the information on the form, noting the required information denoted by the red stars. When finished click Create Organization.

After the organization is created, take note of the Organization Sign Page URL. This is your custom logon page that you and your organization users will use in the future to sign into the portal. It is a good idea to bookmark this for future use. 

After creating the organization, click Add Account to invite users. 

Complete the form and click Create Account.

To confirm your user and to create a password for you account you will be sent an email. The email will come from no_reply@rpmemail.co..  The subject in the email is Welcome to RPM Telco, [First Name] [Last Name]. 

The email will look like this, click on the Accept invite to finish setting up your account by entering a password.

After creating a password you will be automatically logged into the portal and will land on the dashboard where you can start new applications and view previous ones. 

Add Users

Add additional users to you organization from your organization's custom sign in URL by clicking Create an account and follow the steps just described. 

The software that the ScanSource Charity Foundation is using is developed by RPM Software, a company ScanSource acquired in 2018.