
We've configured the dashboard so that you can access everything you need from it. To start a new funding application, click Start Application.

To view previous or applications you are working on, click View Applications.

Application Form

There are three things to note regarding the application form.

Required Fields

The first time filling out a form you will be required to complete the Organization, Organization Contact, and Project Name fields. These fields are denoted by the checkmark. There fields are required so that applications forms are associated with your organization and allow them to be saved on found for further editing if required. 

Save Application & Add Documentation

The other noteworthy direction on the form is you are required to submit supporting documentation along with your application. In order to attach supporting files, you will need to save the form. You can save the form by clicking OK. And you will be able to drag and drop files into the files box. 

Submitting Application

When you are ready to submit the application for review check the box and click, OK. This will initiate workflow - a status level change and notifying ScanSource Charity Foundation committee members.

View and Edit Saved Applications

To view saved applications, you will need to be logged into the portal. After logging in you will arrive at your dashboard. Click on the View Applications button and you will be taken to a view that will show all applications. To view an application click on the number. 

To edit an application draft click on the number.

Then click on, Edit.